How Do I Reset FruitJuice’s Database?

CAUTION: this completely removes all historical information irrevocably.

If you want to reset FruitJuice to start fresh with a new database, select Quit from the FruitJuice menu while holding down the Option key.

How Do I Uninstall FruitJuice?

We appreciate you taking the time to download and try FruitJuice.

If you would like to remove it from your Mac, you can do the following:

1) Select ‘Quit FruitJuice’ from the menu.

2) Move the FruitJuice application from your Applications folder to the trash (and empty the trash).

3) To remove the data files, delete the following folder:

(Your Home Directory) > Library > Containers > com.batteryProject.FruitJuiceMAS

Please let us know if you need further assistance.

Allso, while we understand that FruitJuice might not be suitable for everyone, we are curious to know what influenced your decision to not continue using it.

After updating to version 2.2.6, why does FruitJuice seem to disappear from the menu?

This seems to be an issue with the preferences after this update that causes the menu to appear blank even though you can pull down the FruitJuice menu. We are working on an update to address this.

Until that fix is available, the following steps should correct the issue:

1) Quit FruitJuice
2) Delete the following file:

(Your Home Directory) > Library > Containers > com.batteryProject.FruitJuiceMAS > Data > Library > Application Support > com.batteryProject.FruitJuice > FruitJuicePrefs.plist

3) Restart FruitJuice.

Why does FruitJuice keep asking me to set it as a login item?

For some users, even though FruitJuice is set to start at login (and does, indeed, start at login), it may indicate otherwise. There is a work-around for this message.

All you need to do is place an empty text file named “1324.txt” in the following directory:

(Your Home Directory) > Library > Containers > com.batteryProject.FruitJuiceMAS > Data > Library > Application Support > com.batteryProject.FruitJuice

The next time FruitJuice starts up, no matter what, it will skip the start at login message.


Note: To navigate to your “Library” folder, in the Finder, you can open the “Go” menu while holding the Option key and there will be a “Library” option.

New FruitJuice Review at artescritorio

Quote courtesy of Google Translate:

Battery depth knowledge we can leverage on our laptop can be very handy. To do this, we present FuitJuice a Mac application that will become a must for you.

FruitJuice 2.2.4 Available on Mac App Store

What’s New in Version 2.2.4:

  • Show full text of notifications when clicked in Notification Center.
  • Localize the text of the chart key in the Power History view.
  • Update font used in the menu bar to use the system font.
  • Prevent system sleep during Maintenance Cycle.
  • Language updates.
  • Secret “Reset FruitJuice” menu choice (FAQ Entry)

FruitJuice 2.2.3 Available on Mac App Store

Hello world!

How to use FruitJuice on a new machine (or new battery)

In order to reset the accumulated usage information for either a new machine or new battery, simply hold down the option (?) key while selecting “Quit” from the FruitJuice menu.
FruitJuice will need to be restarted and will start accumulating data for the new machine/battery right away.
This capability was added in 2.2.4.

FruitJuice 2.2.2 Available on Mac App Store

What’s New in Version 2.2.2:

  • Bug fixes and updates
    • Corrected a bug introduced in 2.2.0 with the German translation.
    • Vastly improved our German translation thanks to our very helpful German (and Austrian) users including (in order of appearance in the bug database!):
      • Andreas Grossauer
      • Raffael Mikota
      • Sebastian Paulus
      • Stephan Kuhnert
      • Thomas Krueger
      • Tom Erezsari
      • Matthias Rempe
      • Marcel Plate
      • Markus Kienel
      • Andreas Hoffmann
      • David Kühnert
    • Improvements to our Italian translation thanks to Luca Francesca and Marco Di Meco
    • A vastly improved French translation by Franck Le Roux
    • A complete Polish translation provided by Jarek Teterycz
We are happy to announce that FruitJuice is now available in 8 languages!
  • English
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Spanish
  • Polish (added this release)

If you are a native speaker of any of these languages and notice any issues, please send us an email and we’ll address them in a future update.

FruitJuice 2.2 Now Available on the Mac App Store

What’s New in Version 2.2:

We are happy to announce that FruitJuice is now available in 6 new languages:

  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Spanish

If you are a native speaker of any of these languages and notice any issues, please send us an email and we’ll address them in a future update.

Also included are:

  • Fix for the “Start at Login” checkbox not sticking.
  • Small tweak in the Power History that affected a small number of users where a stray value caused the graph to have negative values.